DevKit Editor Palettes
Engine Tool for Developd DevKits
Engine Tool for Developd DevKits
Engine Plugin
Engine Scripting
Slate C++

Project Overview

DevKit Editor Palettes was designed to solve a simple problem: Unreal asset management when working with many many assets. When working with several animations and their respective animation blueprint it can get very frustrating to keep opening them all back up each and every session.

This asset received a 5-star rating within the first 24 hours post-launch.

Palettes took the common UE 'Open up last session' widget which would only show after an editor crash, and made it commonplace. This plugin was built as a local solution in current projects and was only afterward adapted for the Unreal Marketplace.

Plugin Showcase


The plugin works with 'palettes' which are reminiscent of artist's painting palettes or the palletes of bulk-shipping orders. Essentially, these are groups of assets that can be opened and closed at anytime.

Palettes save across editor sessions and work on every development platform!

The plugin features several Palette management functions such as:

  • Adding and removing assets from Palettes
  • Saving all open assets to a Palette
  • Closing and Deleting Palettes
  • Custom Palette names and descriptions
  • Opening linked Palettes from a single asset
  • Closing linked Palettes from a single asset
  • Opening all assets within a folder
  • Opening all selected assets
  • Saving asset selections/folders to Palettes using the right-click context menu
  • & plenty more everyday utilities for the content browser and editor


DevKit Editor Palettes uses the Unreal Engine Editor Plugin toolkit to hook new UI components and commands directly within the usual editor layout and space. Palettes themselves are held in a JSON or raw text format and utilize Unreal's built in asset paths and handling to manage it all. The plugin is entirely written in C++, and took around a month of casual development before submission to the marketplace.

The project demanded the use of: 

  • Unreal C++ 
  • Engine Tooling
  • Slate UI 
  • Engine architecture
  • Graphic design (Icons, etc.)

Overall, the project was short and sweet and has since provided an incredible time-saver when working in large projects that almost always have large asset linkings.


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